
Soccer Practice

Soccer Practice
Originally uploaded by xinacoconuts

The whole family has been making the weekly trek to watch Boris refine
his mad soccer skills! He's actually getting really good!
I should take a video...
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I made the kids stand still for me to take a few pictures to use in a project for my color-theory class...it makes a good record of each of our kids at virtually the same moment in time...



So, somehow Christina thought she would get away with making a "Hella's Birthday" post w/out including any pictures of herself...

I think not...

Happy Birthday Ms. Katchoo!

Are you ready for all this Hella..?

We've come to realize that the best gift we can give our kids for their birthday, is an entire day (or a big chunk, at least) with just Mommy and Daddy.
Thanks to Aunt Robyne's gift of babysitting (who also gave her the purse, wristband and rainbow laces!) we were able to do just that!
I cannot tell you how weird it was to be "free."
I am so conditioned to watching the clock.
Every minute of every day is scheduled with pick ups and drop offs and meals, homework, baths, and bedtime that it's hard to shake the feeling of being pulled towards something.
It felt so good to take a deep breath and just enjoy my time with Rik and Hella! This is definitely something I could get used to!

Let the celebration begin!

Well, it's no secret that I think Hella rocks!
She is my one girl amongst what feels like a sea of boys.

I just want to say "Thank you!" to everyone who helped celebrate her 3rd birthday,
by showering her with awesome gifts and tons of love!

Row 1: a scooter from Aunt Beverly (it's pink!)
Row 2: rain boots from Ingrid (totally rockin'!)
Row 3: a kitchen from Mom and Dad (Hella said, "Mommy? Can I put my kitchen in your kitchen?")


You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy...

Boris is "Star Student" in his 1st grade class this week, so we had to make a board telling all about him. It was fun and nostalgic and turned out quite well, if I do say so myself! He says he loves getting up in front of the class and telling everyone about himself. Rik and I couldn't be more proud!

A pink power ranger costume from Grandma and Pappa came in the mail yesterday for Hella's 3rd birthday! Of course we let her open it early! She is super excited, thanks guys!

Spike had a fever of 103.6 yesterday, so stayed home from school today. He had been feeling under the weather for a couple days, but it all came to a head last night. We gave him some Tylenol which brought his temperature down to 99, and never got above 100 today, so I think he's all better!

Royal is just Royal and as amazing as ever. It's OK to be jealous, you've got good reason, he's the best!