Potty Mouth: Spike loves to push buttons. If he finds out something that makes you gasp, you will never get him to stop doing it. One of those things he's discovered that gets a reaction out of grown-ups is curse words.
note: To Spike, jerk, stupid, and shut up are all curse words.
note #2: He also knows most of the not-so-cute ones.
Today, it had become a bit of a problem, so I gave him permission to say whatever words he wanted for the rest of the day. Under the condition that he and I sit down at the end of the night and have a discussion about it.
After a moment's hesitation he blurted out, "Can I say shit?"
"Today only," was my reply.
"What about stupid big fat jerk?"
More hesitation...
I'm pretty sure he didn't notice the teeniest bit of hesitation on my part...
"Yes, if you feel like you need to," I answered.
He gave me one of those deep, immortal stares that he has, raised his eyebrows, smiled, and went back to his Batman action figure.
He didn't mention it again the rest of the day.

Slumber Party But-Not-So-Much-Massacre:
We ended the night by putting a big pile of blankets and pillows all over the living room floor, busting out the Twizzlers, stringing up a sheet as a tent, and watching Gamera, Hercules, Conan, X-Men, and Star Wars movies...I'll have to let you know tomorrow which kid lasted the longest...

Peter, Bjorn & John