

So, finally got around to uploading the pictures from our long weekend in Niagara Falls. Unfortunately, there weren't many to choose from, so not a lot of variety here...

Hitting the road, not-so-early Friday morning:

There weren't any good pics of Boris from the visit to the Falls, so here's one from his School Field Day a few days prior to the trip:

The Official Family Visiting Niagara Falls Portrait (our scanner is not working, so it's got pretty bad resolution):

If you've never been to the Falls, you may not know that you can actually walk right into a part of the waterfall. You take an elevator down to the 'Cave of the Winds' (which, these days, is really a concrete tunnel), then walk along the edge of the cliff to a wooden walkway. Following the walkway takes you on a loop through the water. Here's some pics from just before entering the deluge. Royal hated wearing the required raincoat:

And then, after shedding the maddeningly sticky and hot raincoats, here's the happy family post-waterfall:

I wish we had some decent pictures of the Mays (Mandy, Jordan, Bradley & Sammy - friends we stayed with), their amazing Tenenbaum-like house, or Nanny (Christina's 97-yr-old grandmother).

It was a great weekend, the first time since Christmas we had all been able to spend more than a minute hanging out together as a family.

We've got at least two more major road trips planned for the summer, so stay tuned...
