

Recent things of note...

Royal is now sleeping in a bed instead of a crib.
Hella's haircut has transformed her into an amazingly cute pixie.
Spike has been named the 9th Marvel of the Modern World.
Boris has started second grade!
Christina is loving being a working woman.
Rik is covered in warts.



The Real Hella Katchoo

The Real Hella Katchoo
Originally uploaded by xinacoconuts

Sarah and family are visiting Texas and she was kind enough to cut
Hella's hair for me! I think it reflects Hella personality totally and
Thanks Sarah!



"...the central dynamic of our race has never been a conflict between good and evil but rather between enlightenment and ignorance.

Ignorance makes the headlines, wins the medals, doles out the punishment, jingles the coin, yet in its clandestine cubbyholes (and occasionally on the public stage) enlightenment continues to quietly sparkle, its radiance outshining the entire disco ball of history.

Its day may or may not come, but no matter.

The world as it is!

Life as it is!

Enlightenment as its own reward."

Tom Robbins, 1997