

So, on Friday 09/28/07 Rik's longtime employment at Bedrock City Comics ended.

This threw us all for a loop.


If nothing else, at least there will be more family time over the next week or so. This is how we spent the following morning...

The Museum of Fine Arts-Houston has the piece Spirit Way by Chinese artist Yue Minjun outside its doors.

After the statues, we got some coffee & bagels and hit the playground...



Spike is 4 Now!!

I know you have all been waiting a while for pictures from Spike's birthday, and I just wanted to say I'm sorry for taking so long, and thank you for being patient!

Unfortunately we didn't get very many "good" shots, but here's some of what we did get, enjoy!

While we were out with Spike and his best friend Robert. Robyne was home decorating! Spike was thrilled!

I made the cake, and Rik decorated! Yummy!

(and for the record, he specifically asked for a
green Spider-Man...)

Overall I think he had a really great day!

Thank you to everyone who called to wish him a happy birthday! He loved it!

A video will be coming soon...