
POST-A-DAY 2: Hella

So, today was Hella's very first day at beehive all by herself.
No Spike.
No Mommy.
Just Hella.
And, naturally, she rocked!
She started at the cutting table and ended up with a surprise visit to me at work!
Love isn't a big enough word...


POST-A-DAY 1 : Beached

So, what, my sister thinks she's the only one that can have posts with pictures of the beach..? Like she's the authority on beach-going..?!? Yeah, didn't think so... I was at the beach every day back when she was wearing Huggies... Though, I don't think they had Huggies back then... Not really sure... Anyway...

Here's Spike Speed at the beach.


In Full Swing...

Havin' loads of fun outside in the sprinkler!
As you can see in picture #2 I tried to smudge out Royal's penis but am very bad at it... sorry.

Royal has got to be one of the most amazing kids, ever! No joke! ;)
Not everyone can pull of pink shades, but here you see him, doing just that!

Rik's parents sent the kids Toys R Us gift cards, and with hers, Ms. Katchoo bought some play make-up. Doesn't she look gorgeous? *wink wink*
#2. Here's the bread she fed to the birds in our backyard, just this morning. I took a video too, and I'd say I'm going to post it, but we all know what the chances of that really are...

The boys have taken to going to the back of that weird shed structure and building things with the scraps they find. Here you see them sitting in their "ship" which was later transformed into a fort that I naturally, do not have a picture of. (I am a bad mother, I already know...)

Rik and I have been talking about doing a post a week starting tomorrow and ending on Boris' birthday next Saturday. I'm feeling pretty confident it'll happen... :)