


I was going to scan in and post the Halloween drawings the kids have done over the last few days. But then I realized the printer/scanner isn't yet hooked up from the move.


You're gonna have to settle for another picture or two...

All on their own, the kids started having small book parties in the mornings.
They typically are ready for school 20-30 minutes before they have to leave, so they raid our bookshelves looking for interesting things. In this picture (happens to have been taken the first day of school), Boris and Hella are reading Edward Gorey's "Gashlycrumb Tinies", while Spike looks through the "Book of Bunny Suicides". Royal is just snogging his Stinker-eater...as usual...

This is one of those unplanned, offhand shots that turns out really well. We were at Gravelly Point (a park right next to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport) early one morning, watching the planes take off. The sky was crisp, the air was sharp, Boris was being beautiful...



Back online at last.
Here's a few pictures from recent weeks...

Royal is a baby no longer...

Xina and Hella outside National Air and Space Museum

Rik and Royal in National Gallery of Art's Sculpture Garden

Hella excited to be riding the Metro

Walking the boys to their first day of school in Virginia with our new house in the background. (Can you tell Spike was nervous?)

Meeting the boys after their first day of school in Virginia.


Columbus Day!

Columbus Day!
Originally uploaded by xinacoconuts

Every boy should have a purse to go with a fancy new haircut!