
POST-A-DAY 1 : Beached

So, what, my sister thinks she's the only one that can have posts with pictures of the beach..? Like she's the authority on beach-going..?!? Yeah, didn't think so... I was at the beach every day back when she was wearing Huggies... Though, I don't think they had Huggies back then... Not really sure... Anyway...

Here's Spike Speed at the beach.


Mommy Vomitpants said...

He kind of looks like he is in pain though I am sure they had a great time! (It must be the sun in his eyes)

I am looking forward to the post a day!!

And I have to say that when I first started reading this post, I thought it was Christina that had posted and I was confused...

me. said...

hah, I knew you were jealous of my beach going activities.
you should come down here and I'll show you a real beach.