

Back online at last.
Here's a few pictures from recent weeks...

Royal is a baby no longer...

Xina and Hella outside National Air and Space Museum

Rik and Royal in National Gallery of Art's Sculpture Garden

Hella excited to be riding the Metro

Walking the boys to their first day of school in Virginia with our new house in the background. (Can you tell Spike was nervous?)

Meeting the boys after their first day of school in Virginia.


Mommy Vomitpants said...


I miss you guys!!

Jen said...

We missed your posts. So glad you are back on line. Everyone looks GREAT, and BIG!!!

Auntie Hellcat said...

Can I just say that I cannot get over how much Hella has grown! Her eyes are just like Christina's!
I want Halloween photos.

And Happy birthday Mrs. Speed. We miss you.